Transforming Your Business with Ginna Christensen & Ericka Saurit


Do you want to create more success for yourself and your business in 2021? Join Leadership and Business Coach, Ginna Christensen, and Digital Marketing Expert, Ericka Saurit for an introduction seminar on their upcoming Masterclass.

It’s all about Creating a Foundation for Your Brand. Foundations give us a solid footing to build upon and serve as a container for us to make effective decisions that bring us closer to our goals rather than take us further away. So often, we get tripped up when we encounter a stressful situation, feel disconnected from our mission and vision, or don’t have a clear picture of who our ideal client is. When we truly connect to who we are and integrate our wants and desires into the work we do, we are able to build a solid foundation which makes success not a question of if, but when.

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