Intro to StyleRow - Streamline Your Projects and Win More Business



I'm gonna get started here, and so thank you all for taking some time to learn more about Style Row on the call here today. I'll try to keep it brief, 15 minutes or so. And ultimately, I'll give you a quick overview of the platform as well as a quick demo and how you can utilize it too.
Source Product super efficiently and share that with your clients for approvals through our dashboard. We've also got an amazing budgeting and invoicing tool through the platform.
So I'll dive in here and of course, as I mentioned, if you've got questions, feel free to throw them in the chat there.
I'd love to make it as interactive as possible.
So, I'm logging into my demo account here.
And so, a quick look at our project dashboard is you can have an unlimited amount of projects going at a time here.
So, it doesn't matter how large or how small, it's really a powerful tool, too.
Organizing be kinda like the Mission control for all of the items within your project. So here, I've included some invoices and floor plans at the top.
You can source all of your product selections.
You can upload any photos from your camera, roll. In fact, we just released a new feature where you can add five items at a time, and I'll show you that. But super efficient from your cell phone.
We understand a lot of your work is done out of the design center and job sites, and a lot of those crucial items are living in your camera roll, so you can upload those super efficiently and.
So, here in the living room, I'd like to just showcase this mood board that I generated from that items that are sourced within the project.
And so, here is a quick little mood board that I created.
Everything will be branded with your logos, and then I made it really nice that I had all the items listed out next to it.
I can share all of these with our clients through our digital dashboard, and it makes it a really easy way to present and communicate to your clients, but also to keep track of everything on your end as well, too.
So, within each of these items, you'll have a team view a client, you, as well as a vendor view.
And so under each team view here, you'll have the ability to share the item to the dashboard. You can include it to the budget.
You and your team can set statuses so that you can keep track of where you're at.
This individual item, anytime you set a status, this will trigger an e-mail notification to the team as well.
So it makes it really easy to stay on top of it, due date, install dates, and then really begin the communication here.
So even if you're a one person team or you've got multiple designers, this little messaging box is super helpful throughout the duration of the project.
And then also, we've got a cost calculator as well, too.
I'll just put on a price for the quick demo here.
But this allows you to add up percent markup, which gets blended into your client extended prices.
And then, of course, taxes. And shipping costs can be added through here.
So really easy and transparently to see all of your costs, your margins, as well as what you're going to be extending to your clients, too.
And then also, you'll have a client view and then the vendor view, which I'll just touch on briefly.
Declined view.
You can customize and edit all of the information, so that if you don't want your client to have anything, important necessarily, you can delete.
All of the important information will still remain within your team view, but now it makes it really easy to share those items through the dashboard, that your client can really review at your fingertips.
You also have the ability to create tucked sheets through here, This would also include product specs, as well as dimensions, if we had included them in.
We're going to be adding the project name to this within the upcoming week or two as well, too, So, we're constantly making improvements to the software, so, as you guys dive into it, let us know all of your feedback as well.
If there's anything you wish operated a little bit differently, but it's just such a seamless, easy to use platform, you can input the information walt's on your items in that.
you're able to create your proposal's, your invoices, purchase orders, all of your client approval and communication on the item.
Is just going to make everything really seamless for you and your team itself quick, look at what a purchase order can look like from the Vendor view as well, too.
Let's go to the client dashboard. So, my favorite feature is the client dashboard here.
And so, you have full control over the information, and what they see through the Dashboard.
So, opening up this dashboard, This is exactly how your clients will be able to access it, access it, and kinda communicate, and provide feedback to you as well, too.
So, everything's gonna be branded with your logo.
Your clients are only required to put in the first name. They don't have to set up an account and remember a password.
And now, here, in that are your own branded portal, your clients can go, they can download any of the documents.
So if you had an invoice, or any other drawing, or whatever, they can go and see it.
And then they can also provide feedback on these items as well, too.
So, thumbs down, thumbs up.
Anytime your client performs an action item, that will trigger, of course an e-mail notification to you and your team.
And then you'll also have access to that feedback right on this individual item too.
So, thumbs up, thumbs down, I can give it the approval.
And then I can say, hey, Any different shades of this?
So it makes it really easy for your client to provide their feedback, too.
Then, of course, this dashboard can change throughout the duration of the project, too.
So at the beginning, it may start with just a few inspiration items, and then in May, be great for sharing product selections and getting approvals.
And then at the end of the project, it can work as kind of like a post client Portfolio binder, where you can have all of the important information with the specs and the product, the maintenance, and kind of all of those little details for their projects.
So that they don't have to reach back out to you for the minor functions and stuff.
So also a great way to re-engage a client to is setting a quick message through the dashboard and it'll generate an e-mail notification to them, but always a great way to check in or share some new items that you just saw market.
And so, um, moving on from the client dashboard, you can also generate our budget proposals and invoices super easily too.
So, our budget tool makes keeping track of your product costs super seamless.
You can add in any labor costs, it's very customizable tool, however, we need to propose those costs. So, I'm just going to select a couple of items here for the demo.
Just to give you a quick look at what it could look like for you.
So one thing I'd like to mention here, too, is there are design firms I'd like to bill hourly.
If you do bill hourly, you can put a section in the budget, call it time billing, or time tracking.
And then it makes it real easy to just include your hourly charges within there, and propose those to your clients as well, too.
So here's what a quick look at what a proposal or an invoice could look like to share to your client, then you'll have a total there at the bottom that they can review and sign off on.
This budget tool also syncs directly into QuickBooks, so you can sync items or multiple items into an invoice within QuickBooks, and it makes it really easy to invoice and collect payments through there, too, and then, of course, already, accounting and financial work as well, too.
So, I think next, what I'll show you real quickly is the ability to start a new project and how fast it is to get a budget estimate and the scope of work going as well, too.
So here, let's just say, Tyler's kitchen.
So, say we're starting a new project here, this is exactly how it'll function for you.
And so, I'm going to add the kitchen from our drop-down, and then I'm gonna add a custom section for inspiration.
OK, great, and then with style Row, there's a couple of really fast ways to get items added to your project.
So the first one I'll show us quick add items and so when I go to quick add items under the kitchen here, this is gonna give you typical items you'd find within a kitchen project, so cabinetry and countertop since the cabinet *****, pendants, wall lights, kitchen sink, and faucet all of your appliances.
So it makes it really fast to get items selected and added to that project, and then also gives you the option to include target buying prices and quantities, too.
So know maybe we want to give a rough ballpark on our cabinetry 10000 to 15,000 and can Countertop that 8000 to 10000.
Maybe we need 25 for cabinet nods, Florida 28.
And so these items will get saved to your project.
It's place holders.
They will also sync directly into your budget tool, can generate an estimate for a client within a matter of minutes here.
So, here in the kitchen we've got Oliver items, I can set a team status like you need to source Now this will trigger an e-mail to my team: letting them know that we need a source countertops and the kitchen project for Tylers Kitchen here.
You can also start to communicate on these items as well, too.
So if you wanted to leave a general note or reminder for yourself: by client: It's A Start.
You can put any general notes in there, and it makes it easy for you and your team, too.
Communicate on that item, too.
So let's jump into the budget, again, underneath Project.
And so now here in the kitchen, you'll see we've got our Cabinet ***** are cabinetry countertops, All of our costs, we've got a 30% markup.
You can go into the client settings and add in tax and estimated shipping cost.
But here, real quickly, I'm going to estimate or create an estimate with the items that we just put in the kitchen.
So here's our project's name, your logo, your company's information, the estimate number with the date, all of those items with cost that they can transparently see there, and now a total at the bottom that they can sign off on.
So, super fast and easy to get a project started.
Another thing that I'd like to show here is this is going to be our newest feature here.
So now when you go to add new item in a project, you're gonna see, Of course, you can upload an item for that, just one.
But the new thing here is you can create multiple products with images only.
So, imagine you're at the design center and you've got a bunch of photos of lighting, You can go in and quickly upload all of those items.
So, here, I've got a couple of photos that I can add for my project.
Then, you can also leave those on categorize. So, if it was lighting, and, you know, if they were all pendants, you can name them all pendants and they're cataloged.
For this example, I'm going to leave them all on categorized.
And then let's go into our projects here.
Here's my kitchen and then I'll add all of these to my inspiration.
And now I can quickly share all of these inspiration images with my clients through the dashboard that they can now communicate on to here.
So, here, we've got all of our photos, and then a couple of books, you can get those share, too.
A client dashboard.
So next, I'll show you kind of sourcing products in two style row.
So for demo here, I'm just gonna go to West Town's website. This could be any brand or vendor that you saw from, Obviously, there's a million out there.
So we tried to optimize our Clipper tool to work on all of these websites.
And so what you'll find with the Clipper is it's so fast and easy to save products with all of the information that you need.
So let's go into the Warren Pendent here.
So the Clipper tool is going to be a Google Chrome extension.
It'll allow you to clip or save up to five photos. So, here, when you hover over the images, we can take those.
Got to do the different finishes there.
So, here I've got four photos of catalog this book that is upended.
I can also slip the name, so when they're scissors there.
And then I hover over the text that will save that information. You can also type it in if it's easier to do so as well.
Pricing, let's add that price in, and then this will also allow you to select unit types.
Lead times, I'll just say this is in stock dimensions, this is 22.
Then Products, BACS, maybe I want to put it on products, back, said it's contract grade, or the description down below.
Grab a couple of these.
Then, now I'll save this item directly to, um, my kitchen project here.
Let's say it's three of them.
And so now once you've cooked that product once, you can export it into your presentation, you can create a tear sheet. You can create an invoice. You can create a purchase order all with just a couple of clicks now.
So it's going to be such a huge efficiency tool for you once you get started utilizing that Clipper tool here.
So, here.
Now, in the kitchen, we will have our war impendent and now, like I mentioned, we can share it to the Dashboard, includes the budget, Um, the chess within the project, and then it'll also always live within your library as well, too.
So, anything that you ever clip into a project or simply wanted to save to your library, you can quickly find that here.
It works like, kind of like a Google search here. So if you've got any keywords or tags, or, you know the name of it, you can search it.
But you've already cataloged them and categorizing these items too.
So you know, if you're starting a new project and you need some hardware for your cabinetry.
You can simply go down to your Cabinet NAVs, and now you've got your own curated selection here, that make it really easy to just go and add into any of your projects.
And I think that was a good part of the demo here today. The one other thing I'd like to show you quickly, is, you can also export your projects into Excel.
So if you do ever want to create a schedule for a contractor within your projects, you can use the search and filtering here, then narrowed down to whatever you're looking to export.
In this instance, you know, maybe I want to export all of my lighting.
So if you filter down to the lightings, you can then export just those items into a schedule.
Ladies, now share it with your electrician or your contractor.
Really whomever may need that information, but if you clip that information once, and do the work within style rho, all of that information will drop right into your own branded spreadsheet here that, of course, you can delete information, manipulate how you need, But just a very fast, efficient way to have all of that information accessible. So your contractors at Click.
All right. Does anybody have any questions?
Doesn't look like it, It's not.
no worries.
Here at the top, I'll just leave you with a couple of items. There's a Support tab.
So once you get in, we've got some good resources, how to videos, recorded webinars.
one that I always like is just going into style or resources and then we've got some recorded domino or demos here sorry.
And then, you can also also go to book demo.
So if you'd like to just schedule a personal, one-on-one call, if you've got some questions that you want to ask, feel free to do that. And then we'll also have a kind of a searching being at the bottom. So if you've got questions, need help getting started, just feel free to reach out.
We'll be more than happy to help, but look out for the recording of this as well.
If anybody has direct questions, my e-mail is Tyler at style rho dot com.
And I'd be more than happy to answer those questions or whatever you may have.
So, thank you all for joining me. And you guys have a great day.


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