Scaling Your Design Workflow - Project Templates and Duplication





Hey everybody, thanks for joining here today.
So on our quick call, we're gonna talk about one of our new beta features, project templates and duplication.
If anyone would like to have access to these tools, you can feel free to reach out to myself at tyler at, and I'll be happy to turn them on for your account.
But let's talk about a couple of ways on how you can leverage these templates and the duplication to help save you time in your process.
So, to start, you're going to be able to create project layouts.
So what I mean by that, it's almost like a project skeleton, where if you're starting a new build, you can have all of the rooms already started and built out in a template that you'll be able to duplicate and have ready within a matter of a minute or so.
I think it's also going to be a fantastic tool for you to build out budget estimates.
So, let's just say you're a kitchen designer and you want to build out different levels of estimates for your clients, maybe do a mid, high, and a luxury level, but the ability to have a budget estimate templates is now going to be really easily replicatable for your new clients as well too.
Another great use case for the project duplication is going to be if you want to create an additional client dashboard for your contractor or other third parties that you'd like to share the project information with.
However, you wanna share different levels of information, then you would already be with your existing clients.
And I'll show you an example of that here.
And then also client onboarding slash intake.
So if you have any kind of surveys or questionnaires or just kind of some onboarding resources that you already have you can also create a template and be able to share that to your potential clients too.
So here I've got an example of a project layout and I know a lot of design firms that I work with like to start with their project documents or an estimate section or their drawings at the top every time and then they can go on and list out you know however they want to organize their sections within the project, but I know a lot of design firms like to have the same layout each time.
So now with the project layout, you can have one already set and then easily replicate that using our duplicate tool.
And then here's going to be an example of building out a budget estimate template.
And so here, for example, I've got an entryway, I've got a great room, there will be more rooms followed after the two, but it's an easy way for you to build out your budget estimates and then duplicate those for any new projects and new clients that you may be taking on.
And then here would be an example of creating an additional new dashboard for your contractor, right?
So here on the left, you can see a client dashboard where I've shared a couple of different selections.
The client here has the ability to provide feedback with the thumbs up, the thumbs down, I shared pricing and then the client has the ability to approve items.
And then here on the right is a project that I duplicated to create a dashboard where I could share different levels of information with the contractor.
So I don't have to share the pricing, they don't see the approve item buttons, they don't see the thumbs up or the thumbs down. You can remove the comment section if you want to.
So just another great use for duplicating your projects.
So, before I do a quick little demo, a couple important things to know.
So, the duplicating process right now, we're in our V1 phase. It may take a few minutes.
So, if you have a large project of over a hundred items, it could take up to ten minutes, but ten minutes is the top that it should ever take to duplicate any of your projects.
So, if you're just doing a project skeleton with no items in it, that will duplicate faster than a project, of course, with 100 or so items in it.
So the size of your project may vary on how long that duplication takes.
So just want to set that expectation.
The other really important thing to note is if you do have any products in the project that you're duplicating, for example, the project I duplicated so I had it for my contractor, those products are also going to currently duplicate within your library. So there will be two of those items.
They will be their own standalone unique items now too.
So if you change the price on one, it won't change the price on the previous item.
You'll also be able to filter out those duplicated items if you just want to find the item that you had originally added.
So you can always use the filters to find those original items.
And then, yes, also mention it's its own unique item now.
So any information you edit on the new duplicated item will not affect the original item, which I think is very useful and beneficial for a majority of designers.
All right, so how are you going to duplicate a project?
So once you have access, when you hover over your project tile in the project there will now be this little duplication button and once you select that you'll be able to duplicate you'll also find it within your project settings there will be a duplicate button there as well too and so once you click on either of these two buttons it will give you a screen that will confirm the duplicate project now you can put in your new name for the new project This tear sheet project name is actually what's going to appear in the client dashboard and what appears on all your client documents and then of course you can edit that there.
All right so if there's any questions feel free to throw them in the chat. Looks like no questions so far. Okay awesome.
So let's do just a quick demo.
All right so I'm going to create a new project and I'm going to template kitchen.
So now within this project I can go build out my kitchen template and now within my rooms I'm going to say hey I want my kitchen.
I also want to have a section for my kitchen appliances so I can keep those separate.
I'm going to do a floor plan section at the top, inspiration, and so now maybe this is just my base template for the kitchen.
When I go into my settings, project settings, I can now duplicate this skeleton or this template for the kitchen that I have.
Template kitchen, I'm going to rename it for my new client.
So I'm going to say Tyler's new kitchen.
And then what you'll notice here is now you'll see a little spinny wheel.
This will take a minute or two for this project, probably less, and then it'll be duplicated and ready to go.
If, for example, you had a budget template, now those budget items are going to totally duplicate over.
So here I've got a small kitchen template with some items already added into it.
So here if I have a kitchen budget built out, now I can easily duplicate that and start a new project for a new client with that budget already built.
And then the last really example I want to show is here within the presentation slides I showed this as well.
Right now I have this project set up as a dashboard for my client.
I had just duplicated the project so that now I can share the same information.
But with my contractor now it's easy to communicate with them, they can ask me questions right through it.
they're not gonna get, see the thumbs up and the thumbs down or any of the approve item button.
So it's your own personal portal now for your contractor.
So that was the client one.
And then when I go into my contractor one for that project, I updated my client visibility settings so that now you don't see the thumbs ups, you don't see the approve items, but it's still the same items in the selections.
But of course your contractors need different information then what your clients need and you don't want them communicating within the same portal.
So this provides an easy way to now just duplicate that project and quickly share that with your contractor and now they can access this from anywhere that they're at as well too.
So hope you guys enjoyed kind of the quick demo today.
If you don't have access to the project duplication features and you If you do, please send me an email at tyler at and I'd be happy to get you set up.
And if you do have any questions, of course, just send them to me as well.
And then, yeah, quick question from Michael.
Any thought to just making contractor another tab on the item so that everything stays in sync?
Yes, I definitely do think that would be the ultimate goal.
Right now, I just think this is a great workaround until that solution is implemented.
But yeah, it would be great to have contractors within the same on another tab as your client, for sure.
Awesome, Michael, thanks so much for your support.
All right, everyone, have a great day.
We'll chat soon, bye-bye.

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