Elevating Client Interaction: Mastering the Client Portal on StyleRow


Dive into how to use StyleRow's Client Dashboard to elevate your client's experience significantly. This session will show you how to share documents, manage approvals efficiently, and ensure your clients are engaged and informed throughout the design process.

"I use StyleRow for all my consultation and full-service projects, and I adore the client portal feature and how customizable it is. The branded portal is an extension of my brand collateral and a fantastic marketing tool. Most importantly, it offers a great client experience." - BK Interior Design




Well, thank you everybody for tuning in today.
My name's Tyler and I'm on our customer success team here at Style Row.
Today on our 10 to 15 minute demo, we're gonna talk about elevating your client interaction.
And so with Style Row, we've got a client portal that is really a seamless way for you and your team to share all of your designs and product selections and documents and all of the important information for your big projects and gives you one spot for your clients to interact with you and really kind of streamlines all of the communication and feedback throughout the project.
So let's start with this quick testimonial from Tiffany.
She had been kind of an original user of StyleRow.
And she said, I tested three client portals with one client, and they prefer StyleRow's design, ease, and use, and communication response rate.
So I'll do a quick demo on our client dashboard today.
but if anybody has questions, feel free to put them in the question box and I'll try to get to those here at the end too.
And so here today we're going to talk about how you can control the entire client experience.
So with StyleRow's dashboard, you control what information they see, when they see it.
You can hide all of the pricing, you can share pricing, you can hide all of the important information so that your clients don't shop around you.
and we'll go through that here today.
With our Bulk Actions feature, it allows you to share multiple items really fast.
So with just a couple of clicks, you can share an entire project and get that in front of your client within just a couple of clicks.
Another highlight I'll kind of walk through here today is, it's mobile optimized as well.
So your clients can access all of these important information directly on their cell phones.
In fact, I think 90% of our clients, or your clients, we've done some research on the dashboard, are accessing through their cell phone.
So, we make it super simple for your clients to access all of the selections and documents that you want them to have in front of them for feedback and approvals as well.
And then, yeah, it's gonna be essentially one dashboard for your client.
So, taking out text message threads and email threads and trying to tie it all into a transparent portal for you and your team to have seamless communication with your clients.
So I put together this quick little client dashboard here today for our demo.
And so this is exactly how your clients will be able to access their dashboards once you invite them to it.
So right now, it's going to be a one-to-one client dashboard.
Everything is going to be branded with your own logo.
Your client will only have to put in their first name.
They don't necessarily have to set up an account, remember passwords.
And then one tip I like to share is they can save this link.
So they can bookmark it to their computer.
They can save this link as an app on their iPhone.
If anyone has questions on how to get that set up, I can certainly help out.
We also have an article in our help center about it, but it gives your clients kind of an app on their phone where they can access it whenever they'd like and provide feedback as well as share it with their friends.
So it's a really kind of beautiful tool here.
And this is an example of a dashboard that I had set up.
And so with this dashboard, again, it's going to be branded with your logo.
They'll be personalized for your client.
And then you have the ability to share all of these important documents.
Here's an invoice that I created for this project, for example, and your clients can now access all of these items.
Here, for example, on this refrigerator, I added a site photo of it, a spec sheet, so you have the ability to share all of this important information and then get your client's feedback with a thumbs up, a thumbs down.
They can also approve items.
And then any time your client approves or leaves a comment, you and your team are going to get notified in real time via email.
And it just makes you kind of in touch and really transparent for everyone within the project to know what's going on.
So, I'm going to go back to my style row now, and I'll show you the project on a designer's app.
And then I'll kind of point out a couple of key features that I think are really important for just faster client sharing and knowing that you're fully protected and you're not sharing the wrong information too.
So, the project I just shared with you here was Ben Santa Monica.
And so, from a team view, you can go in and you can see all of the information here.
And so, within this refrigerator, in my client view, I can now see that my clients liked and approved this item.
I can respond right back to them.
And then also, now I can set statuses within StyleRoad, like presented, approved, and then under the team view under the team status, I can say, let's add this to the invoice.
Approved, add to invoice, and now I'm triggering out emails to the team.
And now everyone knows that this item's been approved, we just need to go and add it to the invoice.
And within the filters here, you and your team can filter based off of key statuses that have been sent to.
So if I wanted to filter to items with that status, makes it really easy to do so, and then your team can go and add it to the budget and add it to your invoices.
So a couple of other key kind of features I wanted to share really quickly here.
So under your settings, under client visibility, make sure that you are sharing the appropriate information and then hiding the information that you don't want.
So I know most designers will be hiding brands and links to the pages initially.
Maybe after your client pays, you may want to share that information so that they can access back some more information on the brand website, but client visibility settings I think are super, super important.
And then if you ever do want to change something, you can change items on an individual level within the client view here.
So next to each of these items, you'll see little eyeballs.
This will allow you to toggle on and toggle off.
So if I wanted to share the install date on this particular item, I can include that and then I can toggle the eyeball on to share that.
So that's on an individual level if you wanted to share specific information or even documents with the client. So here's the spec sheet.
This will give you the ability to attach important documents like receipts and then you have the ability to select which ones that you'll be sharing to the client dashboard too.
So if I had another document on here you can pretend that this is a receipt you can select which ones you do share and which ones you do hide there.
So another really important thing I like to show within the dashboard here is within your client feedback, you can select to share and hide items using the filter.
So with filters and then bulk actions, this is an efficiency tool for selecting items that haven't had feedback yet.
I can go and select all of those, go to client sharing options, and now share that to the client.
You can also remove and hide items just as fast.
So if you're like, hey, you know, the team's making some updates, I'm going to select all and I'm going to hide those from my client.
So it works just as fast to hide items using bulk actions if you want to do that.
And then the other tip I like to share here is you can also turn off the client dashboard too.
Oh, nothing's visible.
So I'm going to go to share everything really quickly.
And then you do have the ability to make dashboards inactive too.
So if you no longer want your client to have access, you can certainly turn that off and then you can reactivate it if needed to.
So I've got a question here from Michael.
Is there a way to make the budget available to the client in real time so they can see where the budget is actual at any time on their own.
So I just recommend adding the budget document.
Right now the budgeting tool isn't necessarily client facing.
I do think that could be a potential improvement for us down the road, but I would recommend just downloading an invoice or a proposal of, you know, the most up-to-date items that you're proposing with them, and then add this PDF of the budget into a section called budgets or invoices, and then that way they'll have the most up-to-date invoice at any time too.
So that would just be my suggestion there, Michael.
If there's any other questions, you can always feel free to email me at tyler at stylerow.com.
I'm more than happy to set up a time.
Mike, no, we're not currently developing that capability just yet, but certainly we'd love to hear all the feedback from you guys and helps us prioritize what we are going to continue to build on.
We do have two upcoming webinars, which will showcase our kind of the features that we've been working on.
One will be kind of like a one to many client dashboard.
So right now I showed you a dashboard where it's for kind of like a private client.
We want the ability for you to all, you know, shop or share, you know, room selections and shop the look or sell through affiliate links.
And then we're also working on like project templates and duplication and those will be kind of the next two webinars and what we focus on for those ones.
But thank you for the questions and thank you all for the time today.
If you want to reach out, again, my email is tyler at stylerow.com, and I'd be happy to connect.
All right.
Have a great day, everybody.

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